Whether it’s mastering the art of decluttering or whipping up a quick meal, Malaysians are turning to the Internet to seek quick, practical solutions to enhance their daily lives. With 39.5% users watching tutorial or how-to videos weekly [source], lifestyle tips and life hacks content has surged in popularity. Social media posts with #lifehacks are exploding across platforms like TikTok and Instagram, and the numbers doesn’t stop here.  

As Malaysians scroll through their screens for tips and hacks, there lies a golden opportunity for brands to engage them, keeping them informed with credible insights in the most creative way. And our innovative solution – ‘Better Life Tips’ is here to help brands hack into this prime moment with consumers.  

The Power of Bite-Sized Content: Better Life Tips (BLT) 2.0  

Better Life Tips is more than just tips; it’s a series of bite-sized content created to educate, inform and debunk myth or trending topics.

It’s where your brand becomes the mentor in everyday life, delivering wisdom in the most authentic way – the “Tell Me Without Telling Me” approach. With digital life tip ambassadors crafted with care to embody the essence of a credible and friendly guide.  They are humanised with lifelike traits to resonate with diverse audience groups, offering highly customisable branded capsules that are so natural and engaging, viewers absorb valuable brand messages without the faintest hint of advertising.

Multi-Screen, Multi-Impact 

Now catering to both horizontal and vertical formats, your brand message can be delivered across multiple screens, whether it’s a widescreen TV or a portrait-mode smartphone. Explore our new packages to amplify your brand presence from TV to Digital for wider and greater audience reach.  

Vibrant Characters, Dynamic Messages

Upgraded with enhanced graphics, our diverse characters – each with their own flair. Far from the one-sized-fits-all-approach, our ambassadors are the embodiment of your brand’s spirit, and they are tailored to deliver your brand’s message in a way that feels personal and direct. It’s the seamless integration of brand values with practical advice, fostering trust and loyalty among consumers.

💡 Tip: We can also animate your brand mascots, chatting alongside our BLT characters and sharing lifestyle tips!  

Potential Ideas for Brands:  

  • Property / Home 
    • Home buying tips for home buyer 
  • Health / Food 
    • Choosing the right food for your body 
  • Financial
    • SCAM Awareness, educate audience
  • Automobile
    • Tips on car safety before long journey
  • E-commerce
    • Tips to enjoy various deals during sales or how to scout for deals
  • Beauty
    • Beauty / skincare tips
  • Home Care
    • Tips to keep home, laundry clean the easiest way
  • Travel
    • Travel tips – promotions. vaccinations or new location.

Reach us now to explore on this innovative approach for brand promotion and audience engagement!