
Hair removal is a sensitive issue to Malay muslim women, hence needs to be communicated well. Shaving is often a taboo and refrain from speaking openly. There is also a misconception that shaving causes hair to grow faster and thicker.



Astro coined a strategic communication of “Sehalus Venus” (as delicate as Venus) and also appointed Farah Ann as the face of the campaign as she is well received by the target audience of Malay females.

A series of video were developed to debunk the myths of shaving and create awareness.

Creative Treatment

  1. 30 sec capsule of Farah Ann
  2. 20 sec capsule x 3 versions of myth buster
  3. Branded advertorials
  4. Social influence 



The “Sehalus Venus” campaign amassed unprecedented results and achived its objective of winning over Malay female audiences. 

  • Branded advertorial: Cumulated views of 102,775
  • Social Media: Recorded reach of over 2.4 million, 7,828 total likes & 9,306 total engagement
  • Social Media influencers: Sparked talkability, 2,099,742 total impression, 1,750,808 reach and 67,044 total engagement 
  • The TV deployment strategy that correlates with sales performance has gained unprecedented results for Venus.